Safety Minute – Short Video Tutorials On Railroad Safety

Based on the topics presented as Safety Tips to help mitigate common risks on railroads, we’ve developed a series of quick video training – each one is about a minute long!

These videos are easy to incorporate into individual training or can be shown during an upcoming Safety Briefing.

Looking for more resources on railroad safety?  Click to view Safety Tips, Safety Posters, Safety Templates, or a variety of recorded webinars.  To schedule a Safety Culture Assessment, the ‘industry’s most robust model’ for measuring safety culture on a railroad, contact Sam Cotton at  All are available at no cost to short line railroads.

Click any of the video icons below to begin. They can be viewed in any order.

This safety minute video covers the requirements for placement of a blue flag/signal, and reviews securing a track using a locking device or a derail. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip concerning blue flag protections.

Learn some best practices for conducting job safety briefings. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip concerning Job Safety Briefings.

Learn ways to foster mutual trust between employees and the railroad. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip concerning Mutual Trust.

Learn effective strategies for Practical Drift Management. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip concerning Practical Drift Management.


Learn effective strategies to avoid slips, trips and falls. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip regarding slips, trips and falls.


Protection When Tracks are Fouled

This video provides an overview what roadway workers must understand before fouling tracks. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip regarding protection when tracks are fouled.


This video explains perceptions and provides tips on how to effectively manage them. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip about perception vs. reality.


Personal Safety

This video explains who is responsible for personal safety. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip about personal safety.


Equipment in the Clear

This video explains specific requirements for leaving equipment in the clear. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip about equipment in the clear.


Protecting Shoving Movements

This video reviews the requirements for protecting shoving or pushing movements. Also, check out this downloadable safety tip about protecting shoving movements.


This video reviews the proper back safety ergonomics and techniques. Check out this safety tip to learn more.

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Safety Culture Assessment

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