Leading Forward – Skills Development for Railroad Professionals Provides Training that Improves Safety Culture

Based on the data from years of completed Safety Culture Assessments, developing strong and effective front-line leaders is a need for many railroads – one that may be affecting a railroad’s safety performance and operational excellence.

To answer that need, the Short Line Safety Institute partnered with SmartForce to develop Leading Forward – Skills Development for Railroad Professionals, a multi-day, highly interactive course, designed for up-and-coming and experienced railroad managers who are interested in improving their leadership skills.
Attendees will leave with new skills including:

      • providing effective communication
      • delivering constructive feedback
      • managing agreements
      • coaching
      • building high performance teams

SLSI provides training at a railroad location, or employees can join us at a regional training. Training is provided free of charge.

Now is the time to ensure your leaders are confident and effective. Let’s build the railroad of the future, contact us now to schedule – sam.cotton@shortlinesafety.org.

This course provides short lines with timely, effective and well-targeted training, helping managers evolve more quickly as effective leaders in safety and operations, resulting in a stronger safety culture and improved safety performance. This is a foundational course that every short line railroad supervisor should strongly consider completing.

Tom Leopold
Chief Safety and Compliance Officer (retired), Anacostia Rail Holdings Company

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Leading Forward Training Event

Fill in your information below to request a Leading Forward event led by our team of experts.

Leadership Training Request Form